LINK FIXED: NEW: Done For You Black Friday Pinning Jay PLR (my latest!
Published: Mon, 11/17/14
(NOTE! This goodies are awaiting you below but if you don't like 'em, please do unsubscribe at - thanks!)
| oOo ==> Black Friday Pinning Jay PLR!
| Solution It Provides: Black-Friday Focused
| Images, social and more you can use for your
| own BF promos
| own BF promos
Brief, pithy and to the point.
Want done-for-you Black Friday
image PLR?
And social sites updates?
That you can use for Pinterest,
Tumblr, Fiverr and more?
| oOo ==> Super-low intro price!
This is my last Black Friday
goodie and what it gives you...
It gives you done-for-you
Black Friday images you can immediately
use for your own sales and own affiliate
And FB statuses/tweets...
And QuickPosts you can
copy/paste into your Blog,
Pinterest and more!
| oOo ==> See for yourself!
And again, it's at intro price but
I'll be raising that *soon*.
Grow strong,
Barbara "Money loves speed" Ling
ps - ==> Bonuses too!
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