ALERT! ==> Popup Domination 3.0 (those gorgeous list-building optins you always see on WP sites) - now hugely discounted

Published: Mon, 04/22/13

| oOo ==> Popup Domination 3.0! (huge list builder)
| WHY:  You know those 3d popups you see on some of
| the most popular sites online?  This is one way they're done
| (I had bought it full price at $97 years ago)
Brief, pithy and to the point:
Ever see those vivid compelling 3d popups
that encourage you to optin?  Ever wish you
didn't have to pay retail for that plugin?

Below is the exact same product at
the official site 
(retail $77).
And...its hugely discounted.  :)
| oOo ==> Increase your optins thru the roof!

Visit the link above - you'll immediately
recognize the plugin I think.

Grow strong,
Barbara "Love big lists!" Ling

I Make Marketing Profitable!

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