ZERO Cost ==> The Art of Passive Profiting via Easy Fixed Term Membership (rebills!)

Published: Mon, 04/22/13

| oOo ==> How to create Rebills for Passive Income/Bonuses/MORE!
| ZERO cost
| WHY:  Intriguing - I had heard about this a few months
| ago and utterly love the concept.  Am adding the ideas to my
| own bonuses too....
+=================== pretty neat.
I had heard about it a few months ago when
I was restructuring my business - basically,
it's all about creating *fixed* term membership
sites (as after awhile, folks generally tend to
leave them anyways) to both:
* Deliver value/content and make people WANT
to stay fo r2-3 months
* Ensure a long-term flow of passive income as well.
I'm now working on including this model in my
offerings as well so yep!
'Tis a good thing indeed.
Thus, if you're up for building up a long-term passive
income online...
| oOo ==> All Laid Out For You!
Good stuff indeed.
Grow strong,
Barbara "Love big lists!" Ling

I Make Marketing Profitable!

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