Tuesday Sparkling Recap!
Published: Tue, 09/30/14
(NOTE! This mornin's goodies are awaiting you below but if you don't like 'em, please do unsubscribe at - thanks!) .
| oOo ==> Did you grab it?
| http://askbling.com/lpceo
| BENEFITS: NEW benefits of List Building Leadpages....
| zero cost webinar about how your business can grow
| http://askbling.com/lpceo
| BENEFITS: NEW benefits of List Building Leadpages....
| zero cost webinar about how your business can grow
what sorts of goodies
emerged in marketing
land today? Wonder no more...
here they are!
Let's see. First on JVzoo, we
have these bestsellers:
Flexy Character Mascots in 15 seconds flat!
The creator has been producing
sets of these now for over 2 years....
it includes 530+ creative items
to really make your mascot unique!
Next, Ben Adkins just released
Fearless eMail Marketing
I will be doing a much more
indepth review later on but
suffice it to say, yep, it's NOT
your typical $10 jobber and
probably should be more of
your typical $97 jobber.
Great stuff!
In other news, Dennis Becker
released a *very* powerful
goodie regarding outsourcing
over at
Outsourcing for IM!
The page isn't shiny but
you know something? The
quality you're getting.... I
am confident you don't need
to be sold by glitz.
Don't forget this mornings:
Do you remember your
favorite Saturday morning
cartoon? For decades now....
cartoons have been used not
only to keep children from
eating holes through
playpen walls....
But also to compel
people to buy. Heck,
think about your typical
commercial these days...
Aren't most of them
cartoons in fact?
Animated thingees?
Packed with engaging
and attractive characters?
Well then! This product
jumped out and waved
a huge figurative coffeecup
in my face:
==> My Video Pal II
I asked for a review copy
but probably will just buy it anywhos -
This shows you how to create
fun and converting videos and includes:
* Animated text swipe files
* Character swipe files
* Fact & Stats swipe files
* Logo opener swipe files
* Photo swipe files
==> Catch those characters?
* Problem identification swipe files
* Product introduction & features swipe files
* Question swipe files
* Social connects swipe files
* Testimonial swipe files
* Readymade PowerPoint video templates
==> Catch those templates?
* Royalty free music package that
you can use to enhance your next video
you can use to enhance your next video
* Graphics package exclusively
designed for use in your next video
designed for use in your next video
is a great Leadpages
webclass given by their CEO!
| oOo ==> 8pm EST - space fills fast!
| http://askbling.com/lpceo
| http://askbling.com/lpceo
I've been using leadpages now for
almost 2 years and *wow*.
It makes your business *so*
much easier. It really does.
Goodies you'll learn about
Creating an entirely new revenue
stream for your business
Simple custom templates
All *new!* integrations
Sub accounts!!!
And a nifty look at their:
| oOo ==> New marketplace!
| http://askbling.com/lpceo
| http://askbling.com/lpceo
You know what a new marketplace
means, right?
Don't forget yesterdays
I like things for free. For
example, free coffee. Free
donuts. Free canes.
Thing is, you know.... sometimes
with free, you get what you paid
Which makes buying things
rather smart indeed. Heck,
I just spent mucho moola
on a WP Plugin to help organize
my feeds! The amount of time
it will save me.... it's definitely
worth the money indeed.
Take, for example, website traffic.
You know.... that thingee that
represents people who will want
to buy what you offer!
Traffic to your offers that convert ..
well, that's just about as rewarding as
happily buying a premium coffee....
you *know* you are getting topnotch
quality and my oh my... it's worth
the price to you!
Thing is, though... paid traffic is
often viewed as something more
complicated than solving a Rubiks
cube when you're a fluffy duckling.
How do you know what side to tackle
first? Or what color works best? Heck,
if you're a fluffy duckling, how do you
even hold it in your not-fledged wings?
Are you a master of paid traffic?
If so, move on, but if you'd like
to have it simplified to the point
you could start to see conversions
tomorrow regarding
PPC traffic
PPV traffic
Facebook traffic
Mobile traffic
| oOo ==> MORE!
| http://askbling.com/paidtrafficplr
| http://askbling.com/paidtrafficplr
This blueprint received
WSOTD, btw, and.....
The upsell gives you
entire PLR rights to it (And includes
a mini-site, graphics, and more
for you to sell and claim 100%
of the profits for yourself!
I made a video about it too!
I think you will find it very
enticing indeed. Done for you
products make putting up
buy button a snap....
And power blogging!
Brief, pithy and to the point.
Have you heard about BendGate?
Apparently people are trying
to bend their iPhones.
Go figure. But the first thing
I thought of was BlendGate -
that nifty series about "Will It
Blend"? I remember one episode
saw the star attempting to
blend a mobile phone. Wild!
The thing is, lots and lots of
people picked up on BendGate....
and started blogging about it.
Why? Well, one super reason
is that
If you know what you are doing,
you can build a rather profitable
blog indeed. Heck, I should know
that - I've been blogging virtually
daily now since 2007!
The coolio thingee about social
blogging is that all of the social
signals Google and FB and Twitter
and Instagram and LinkedIn and
Reddit and Stumbleupon and....
(you get the picture!) can help
boost your site and visibility
and profits online.
*IF*, I repeat... you know what you're
Well! Sue and Dan Worthington
just released:
| oOo ==> From beginners to profits!
| http://askbling.com/socialbb
| http://askbling.com/socialbb
I'm looking at the membership
dashboard as I'm writing this
and *especially* if you're looking
for smooth sensible training
that will get you up and running
in less time than it takes for
teens to go fro 0 to emo, this is
something you'll really want to consider.
The main offer gives you 10
lessons that range from
an introduction to the adventure
you're about to go on, to
Choosing a niche
Structuring your blog
Getting that blog online
Making that blog beautiful!
Adding glorious content
Scheduling your posting
Your first post (woohoo!)
Powerful traffic tactics
and it closes with your next steps.
| oOo ==> Each lesson contains actions steps too!
| http://askbling.com/socialbb
| http://askbling.com/socialbb
'Tis perfect for those who
want to learn all about social blogging.
The upsells are *very* powerful -
they consist of training packs for
Community Building
Social Power
Social Traffic
Blog Templates
But what I really like is the Content Pack
because Sue shares her ideas
for *automating* the social sharing
of your posts in a logical, methodical
| oOo ==> Definitely consider the upsell!
| http://askbling.com/socialbb
| http://askbling.com/socialbb
So all in all, I do have to
give this a stellar review
for those folks who have
*heard* about what social
blogging can do.... but don't
know how and where to begin.
This goodie gives it all to you!
And because this is a solo offer,
buy thru my link and immediately
120 Social Media Power Tips
which amazingly enough is
120 Social Media Power Tips!
Sounds good? I think so -
what's really spiffy about this
course is it approaches blogging
with the end goal of authority/
monetizing/socialSignaling always
in mind. Cool!
Not to mention....
Let's talk about traffic.
*Fast* traffic.
The kind of traffic Frank Duryea
blew by 'waaaay back in 1893!
See, that gentleman (and his brother,
Charles), was the inventor of the first
racecar that sped along at the blistering
speeds of 7.5 miles per hour. And
would you believe, 2 years later, he won
the first American autorace (it was
54 snowy miles from Chicago to
Evanston, IL, and back again).
Thus we saw the Need for Speed
come into being!
You see it today, even if you're
not a NASCAR speedster. Chances
are, you have a website and you'd
love to get lots and lots of
traffic *fast*.
| oOo ==> Here's 50 different ways!
| http://askbling.com/itmastery
| http://askbling.com/itmastery
Did you know there's lots of
ways to drive traffic, *beyond*
the simple FB/Twitter/stuff etc.?
We're talking things like:
Local news
Social commenting
Keyword research
Warrior Forum Blogs
Viral apps
Integration Marketing
Paid Advertising
Blog Talk Radio
Blogs to Kindle
| oOo ==> And about 40 other ways too!
| http://askbling.com/itmastery
| http://askbling.com/itmastery
I just checked out this product
and it is 50 videos that walk
you through the best ways
to drive traffic to your product
pages, blogs, squeeze pages,
A live webinar is also included.
The upsell includes done-for-you
Master Resell Rights to 2 products,
a sales-oriented WP theme,
100 blog content goodies and
a system of video tutorials.
If you're new to all
the ways you can drive
traffic, and you love learning
from videos (if you're like
me, you can exercise
while watching as well!),
this is a superb goodie
that delivers on what
it promises.
See for yourself!
Dont forget this mornings:
Or Evn. Something like
that. Anywhos! I hope
you are sitting down (if
you were levitating, of course,
you'd have other things to
worry about like what you'd
say on Oprah but I digress.
James Renouf
who is renowned for not only thinking
outside the box but gift-wrapping
that sucker up and selling it on
Home Shopping Network (figuratively
of course)...
Has just come out with something
so new, so fresh, so 'way out in
left field....
I guarantee you:
==> You've never heard this before!
How do I know this?
It's because I just went
over it myself and woohooo.....
Nifty it is!
The best thing about it is
you'll immediately see how
applicable this can be for
your business.... because it
uses a technique that's highly
lucrative in an arena that is
==> Fresh wide new!
That means.... hardly any
competition because its
so darned *new*. Woot!
And knowing James, he's
probably releasing it for some
ridiculously cheap price that
will dimesale. So to get it
at its cheapest.....
Check it out today!
Brief, pithy and to the point:
You know, I'll never forget when
I needed to sleep. Stop laughing.
You might know
that my nonoptimalness sometimes
makes sleep seem more elusive
than frolicking pink pixies dancing
on the end of Ferrari bumpers....
and oh wow, was I ever thrilled
to learn about Ahnold's Iron Dream
Sleep Enhancer!!
You can get that via Amazon you know.
You can also get coffee! Gourmet
coffee! And not only gourmet coffee....
But also gourmet chocolates and
caviar and breakfast cereals and
baby food and candy and college
dorm food and gift baskets and and
Speaking of gift baskets, I'm
going to create a care package
for my eldest in college. My gosh,
I think *everyone* is interested
in food, don't you agree? I mean,
without food you kinda sorta die
unless you can photosynthesis like
a Venus Flytrap on steroids.
Right? Well! Grocery shopping
is a HUGe 50 beeyon dollar
market.... and guess what *just*
got released?
==> Grocery Store Clone!
| http://askbling.com/grocerystore
| http://askbling.com/grocerystore
It is seriously caffeinated!
It lets you list the featured
bestselling groceries and
gourmet foods (here's a
fun thing to do - see how
much the most expensive
gourmet item is. Imagine
if you got the commission
on that?
(I'll give you a hint -
it's $52,300. The item price,
that is).
But not only that....
Amazon, bless its little
heart and soul, lists
THESE goodies in their
grocery section too:
Coffee machines
Mixed drink makers
Gumball machines
Crepe griddles
Batter breading machines
Airport coffee brewers
Tamale making kits
==> Dog wine, Maddog sauce, more!
| http://askbling.com/grocerystore
| http://askbling.com/grocerystore
So what do you do with these
kinds of thingees?
Well, you can put the
entire Amazon Grocery/
Gourmet Foodie thingees
on your site or link to
it or .... because when
folks click over to Amazon
from your link, they generally
buy MORE than one thing!
AND!! You can even get
==> Unlimited sites rights as well.....
Don't forget our favs:
==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Lifetime Membership!
==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)
==> Hypergrowth ListBuilding Class
==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)
==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)
==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:
==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets
==> 21 Powerful Copywriting Tips.... Zero cost!
==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial
==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder
Thank you for bring on my list - I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies...
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable
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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
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