Your Saturday Morning Perkup: Heck froze over. Oh yes it did and it was AMAZING and and and
Published: Sat, 12/20/14
(NOTE! This mornin's goodies are awaiting you below but if you don't like 'em, please do unsubscribe at - thanks!) .
| oOo ==> 6 Easy Pieces of Product Creation Day 3 of 14!
| Benefits You Get: Dennis Beckers Day 3
| Deal of the Day - super savings!
Good morning!
Oh, it was wonderful. It was
magnificent. It was worthy
of a chorus of heavenly angels
singing their hearts out!
I had a solid 8 hours of sleep.
SOOOO long since that had
happened..... so long. I'm
still cherishing the experience.
You know you're of a venerable
age when your idea of an exciting
night is sleeping in! :)
In other LingLand news, yes!
Roller Skating party today! And
then... sleep! Again!
Admit it - you're breathless
with wonder at my daring. :)
Got lots to share but first
Forbes Pop Culture 2015 Marketing Ideas!
Whatcha think?
and onto today!
1 page Zero-Cost WSO Cheatsheet!
My latest! And it's getting great
reviews as well!
And briefly, we have:
Social Directory: Monetizing FB
Neat! Works directly within FB
| oOo ==> 6 Easy Pieces of Product Creation Day 3!
Big and comprehensive
| oOo ==> You'll never look at PDFs/product creation
| the same way!
| the same way!
Sheer utter brilliance
| oOo ==> Readers will see your countdown
| *inside* their email!
| *inside* their email!
Scarcity counters directly in email!
And with more detail:
Social Directory: Monetizing FB
Looks like it enables
you to create directories inside
FB thingees... compelling!
To wit....
Now For The First Time Ever... You Can Have
Banners In Your Fanpage, For
Yourself Or To Rent Out!
Viewers Are Able To Rate Your Listings,
And Leave A Detailed Review
Add In Images, Videos, Click To Call,
Business Information, Calls To Action,
And So Much More!
The "Fanpage Arbitrage" Uses
Other Listings To Get You More Leads!
Bonuses too!
And Day 3 of Dennis Beckers 14 Days of Goodness!
| oOo ==> So simple...
We're talking product creation
Bigger ticket product creation ideas...
Easy sales strategies
| oOo ==> Discount ending tonight!
Don't forget yesterdays:
It's Friday evenin' and yep -
got meself to the gym twice
(woohooo!) to make up
for me being soo nonoptimal
these past few days. Yay!
And! I got out my latest goodie:
1 page cheatsheet for Monetizing Zero Cost Freebies!
It's the 6th goodie I've
made along these lines...
hope you like it!
And what emerged
today in marketing land...
short story:
| oOo ==> ChatLinks!
This is software that
allows you to include
live chat on your sales
pages (any pages actually....)
Yoga Mediation PLR!
which amazingly is comprehensive
Yoga PLR!
Uber Video Editor!
It's unlimited developer
goodness to making videos
that convert!!
not to mention
List Building PLR In a Box!
Speaking of that... if you
want to put up buy buttons
real quick-like, go get it!
You can add them in as
upsells (I've made several
hundred dollars from that
myself personally... it's
*such* a nobrainer to get!).
There's even an upsell PLR too!
More will be shared tomorrow
And don't forget about this
It's Friday morning (my gosh
it's Friday! Woohoo!) and what
a day already.
Got up at 12:30am when I
realized my husband was
still working and joined him
in the downstairs office for
an hour. Submitted my thread
for my latest riff on zero-cost
WSOs and funnel-testing...
woot! I'm testing out everything
these days so I can release
my next big launch. Stay tuned!
In other LingLand news,
birdieDay party tomorrow (roller
skating, wheee!). And how 'bout
you? I'd love to hear!
Got lots to share but first:
How to Optimize Your Twitter Profile for Mobile Users
Do you take advantage of this?
And onto today!
Quickly, we have:
| oOo ==> Sean Mize Retirement Sale
Love serious retirement sales!
CPA Bounty
All about profiting via CPA
Dennis Becker's 14 Deals in 14 Days
It's Day 2!
Lead Locker
How to ensure your
affiliates max out their profits!
And in more detail:
To wit by Sean himself:
"...It's been fun.
"...It's been fun.
It's been exhilarating.
It's been educational, and it's been
fun competing, because I love to compete!
fun competing, because I love to compete!
But I'm done.
| oOo ==> So take advantage of it!
In 2015, I'm opening up new markets,
I'm changing my business model
in a very core way, and I'm no
longer planning to run wsos.
I'm changing my business model
in a very core way, and I'm no
longer planning to run wsos.
In short, I'm retiring from the Warrior Forum.
But before I do, I want to
make sure that anyone who wants
any of my 100+ wsos can get them.
make sure that anyone who wants
any of my 100+ wsos can get them.
So I'm running one FINAL WSO sale
where you can get access to
ALL my front end WSOS..."
where you can get access to
ALL my front end WSOS..."
| oOo ==> And re-release them yourself!
Would you be satisfied with $500
bucks next month? If so, my
happily insane friend, Dennis Becker,
has reduced the price on THIS as
well for:
Dennis Becker's 14 Deals in 14 Days - Day 2!
Insane, I say... because my gosh,
he's making investing in these
goodies... a *total* no brainer.
Today's deal is
$500 Bucks a Month
Insane value I say... insane.
Don't forget yesterdays:
It's Thursday evenin' and
yep... down and out for
the count I was. 'course,
these things happen...
and tomorrow will be
Regarding what emerged
today, we have quickly:
Dennis Becker's 14 Deals in 14 Days
Every day Dennis is offering
an insane deal on one of his
goodies.... check out what is today!
Marlon Sanders Customized Print Planner
*WOW* - you get resell rights
to his planner that you can
customize to *any* niche!
Amazon Weight Loss Heaven
Mike McKay's latest! Done-for-you
PLR regarding one of THE hottest
niches in the industry.... weight loss!
Super huge goodie.
More details I'll write up
tomorrow... right now... sleep!
Don't forget this mornings:
It's, umm........hmmmmm....
yes! It's Thursday morning
and my youngest threw up
3-4 times last night. Wah.
Keeping him home from
school today I think.....
In other news, the success of
my email marketing Phoenix 3.0
course (price, as promised, is how
retail at $297), inspired me to create
my next mastermind which will be
on how to create 0-cost leadgens
(ie, freebies on the WF). So stay
tuned for that as well!
Got lots to share but first:
Marketing Gone Wrong: Is Your Social Media Plan Legal?
Definitely read and share this...
And onto today!
Want to explore magazine
digital goodness?
12 videos that walk you thru
How to get started
Where and how to get your content
How to put your content together for your magazine
How to create your mgazine
How to avoid rejections from Apple
How to create In-app purchases for your magazines
Want done-for-you PLR you can
claim as your own (and the upsell IS
the upsell PLR too!)
| oOo ==> List Building Monster PLR Business in a Box
Can't say enough goodness about
this... I have already made $100s
of dollars by using these businesses
in boxes as my own upsells to my
own products too!
| oOo ==> The quality is undeniable....
| this stuff *converts*.
| this stuff *converts*.
Don't forget our favs:
==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Yearly Membership!
==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)
==> Hypergrowth ListBuilding Class
==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)
==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)
==> The LATEST Monster Biz in Box PLR (huge!)
==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:
==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets
==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial
==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder
Thank you for bring on my list - I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies...
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable
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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
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