Monday BowlStep!

Published: Mon, 12/29/14

(NOTE!  This mornin's goodies are awaiting you below but if you don't like 'em, please do unsubscribe at  - thanks!) .


| oOo ==>  Monetize Free WSOs Paid Web Ticket Event!
| Benefits You Get:  You learn how to easily profit
| build your list from freebies! (increases 11:59pm tonight)

It's Monday evenin' and
I hope today treated you
grand!  I took the kids out
to bowling (not the wisest
move with my leg I will admit)
and a great time was had
by all.   Will write more tomorrow!

And regarding what emerged today
in marketing land, we have:

| oOo ==>  Tshirt Titan Software (great for 2015)
| Benefits You Get:  Oh SO cool: proven
| niches, T-shirt analysis software AND:


2015 Health PLR! HUGE BUNDLE

and don't forget this mornigns:

It's Monday morning and I am
filllllllled with energy (I suppose
collapsing for a day does have its
benefits!).  Kids asked me to take
them bowling today... so that's
what the family activity will be.

I'm lousy at bowling.   But I'm
sure 'twill be fun!  :)

And!  There are 3 more days
until 2015.... are you ready
for it?  Any exciting New Ears Eve
plans?  I'd love to hear!

Got lots to share but first:

When B&N Makes You Money

Yep, that's my laptop at my
local B&N and yep... oh, go read
the story.  :)

And onto today!

First off:

Dennis Becker's latest Dealie of the Dayie!

Writing Life Histories for Fun and Profit

Really superb guide on how to profit
from your memoirs!

And only 2 days are left for:

Tina Williams' IM Premium Firesale

We're talking over 30K worth
of goodness.... for literal pennies
on the dollar.

Tremendous value!!!!  It
gets my top recommendation.

Not to mention:

Less than $4/month for 7,000+ Premium
Royalty Free Stock Images?

Such an incredible deal!
This is Ed Mercer's end of the
year blowout - if you missed
the Black Friday special, this
one gives you yearly access!

And finally....

HEADSUP: Price Increasing 
Monetize Free WSOs Paid Web 
Ticket Event Bootcamp
You all have seen now my 
successes with free WSOs - 
from lots of testing out 
different thingees/thinking 
outside of the box/etc. I 
have hit on a method to 
profit from free WSOs that 
anyone can do. Even 
first-time free WSO launchers 
have made money following my 
This exclusive Paid Web 
Ticket Event will teach you:
* The LowDown About Free WSOs 
- their REAL value that will 
increase your business 
profits (it's NOT just about 
getting leads onto your list!)
* Free WSOs vs. 97 cent 
dimesales - why some freebies 
make you MORE than the ones 
you charge for...
* The Free WSO Walk Through - 
I'll walk you through you 
*exactly* how to set up your 
free WSO sales funnel so you 
have the best chance possible 
to make sweet, sweet profits
* The Free WSO 1-2 Punch - 
Social Sharing in ways you've 
never considered before
* The BEST Type of Free WSO - 
Get this down right and 
you'll have a boatload of 
fresh, new subscribers!
* The Myth of Free and 
Affiliates... - I show you 
how to make your "free" WSO 
irresistible to affiliates!
Oh the goodness you'll walk away with!!
I'll reveal to you my story 
behind setting up a free WSO 
at Barnes and Noble and 
turning it LIVE while at the 
roller skating rink as well.
Plus you'll learn:
* The 4 super simple 
techniques you can use to 
monetize Free WSOs - while 
other creators simply try to 
get people to click on their 
affiliate links within their 
products, I give you 
*long-term* ways to make 
money again and again.
Catch those 4 ways?
* 2 powerful free WSO ideas 
that are equally as simple to 
create and puts money in your 
* The 1 hidden money-booster 
that virtually EVERYONE else 
misses... but you won't!
* How to zero in customer 
solutions your audience will 
crave to learn
And get this:
No need for smashing copy 
(it's a freebie! People are 
in a hurry! But there ARE 
some superCool ways to "make 
the sale" even faster!)
I've created free WSOs on:
Ebola Awareness ==> $306 
My very first one!
* * *
IPhone 6+ Buyers Guide ==> 
$36.99 profit
Yep... learned a LOT of what 
doesn't work but good news 
was, I was able to include a 
picture of my husband on the 
upsell page  )
* * *
Black Friday Informer ==> 
This started out as an actual 
back-end bonus for another 
launch. And then I figured, 
hey! I have it, let's make 
money on it
* * *
Fiverr 1 ==> $396.37
Notice how the profits are 
finally starting to increase? 
I had started buying clues 
* * *
2015 Holiday Marketing 
Secrets ==> $1,093.29
Yep, I bought a clue. A VERY 
good clue (which I'm showing 
in this class!)
* * *
Make Free WSOs Insider Tips
Started at 97 cents and wow, 
what I discovered about that 
concept. Only a 15% optin but 
look how much it's made me so 
far ==> $937.20
* * *
Fiverr 2 ==> $141.84 .
There's a reason why the 
profits for *this* sales 
funnel are low, but my own 
personal affiliate profits 
were high! (read: I used a 
Free WSO in a starkly 
different fashion. That was 
my Barnes and Noble free WSO).
* * *
List Building Informer ==>  $160.71
Since the official class 
starts next week, I'm testing 
out other ideas so you don't 
have to make the mistakes 
yourself. I do them fo you! 
Wouldn't you like to do the same?
So there you have it! Right 
now the price is THE lowest 
you will ever see it.
Attendees will receive:
Recording of the class
Source of my Free WSOs
You'll also get a 
complimentary inclusion to 
the 3 Week Immersion 
Mastermind I'll be holding 2 
weeks afterwards!
What's not to like?
Price will be increasing SOON.
Class starts at:
1/6/15 11am EST
And you can reserve your seat 
over at
What are you waiting for?
Don't forget yesterdays:

IT's Sunday evenin' and yep.

The adventures of this past
week are definitely catching
up to me.

Good news is that Honorable Son 1
is recovering very well from the flu
(yay!).  Left my eldest at University
where she is doing great (yay!).  
Came home to find my two boys
thoughtfully decided to be idjuts
and fight over what was heavier,
air or oxygen.  Okay exaggeration,
but wow.  What a ridiculous argument
they had.  Sigh....

How 'bout you?  I'd love
to hear!

And regarding the goodies
that emerged today....

You've heard of 

If This then Do That

perhaps?  It's a superDeDuper
way to automate a huge
number of tasks.... like...


IFTTT Backlink Commando!

Good smart stuff!


Want to master webinars?

If so, Mario Brown has

Webinar Mastery 3 Day Blowout

Mario Brown's 90% discount
off his How To Max Webinars

Don't forget this mornings:

It's Sunday morning and yesterday!

My eldest' dorm key didn't
work.... so she ended up spending
the night with me here in the
hotel.   I *hope* she didn't
wake up when I was typing
at 1am.....  :)

And soon
I shall sashay myself down to
the hotel lobby where I can
dine on fine gourmet coffee!

That's the one thing about
this hotel that I LOVE love love -
their coffee is other-worldly.
It really is!  Then I take my
eldest out to breakfast and
then yep....

Time to drive my bazillion
of miles back home to
see Honorable Husband,
the other kids, TechSupport
Birdie and Hacker Birdie, yay!

And how will your Sunday
be.... grand I hope!!

Got lots to share but

100+ Dollars, less than 24 hours?

Yep that's mine!  :)

And onto today!

Day 11 from Dennis Becker:
Short Report Magic!

This goodie shows how to
monetize quick reports.  Good


LOTS of holiday PLR!!

Senior Fitness PLR!

Huge package with:

Income Funnel

Relationship Builder

Authority Content

Rebrandable DOC


Senior Fitness PLR!

Not to mention:

She's At It Again!!

2015 Health PLR! HUGE BUNDLE

Click above to see.  :)

And of course my latest:

| oOo ==>  List Building Informer Cheatsheet
| Benefits You Get:  One page power cheatsheet
| zero cost that shows you how to build a list fast
| for 2015!

Don't forget yesterdays:

It's Saturday evenin and
yep - drove 9453987938798376389
miles to return my eldest to university.
Had a great sushi dinner and
am now relaxing in the hotel....
will start the drive back
home tomorrow sometime
I think.

Regarding the new goodies today...
I confess, I've been driving
9034509347690347 miles
so truly, not a clue.  Thus,
let me regale you with:

My latest - 1 Page Cheatsheet
for List Building!

Speaking of which, I will
be starting the real pre-launch of

Monetize Zero Cost WSOs Paid Web Ticket Event

When prelaunch starts, price will
be $97.... so reserve your spot today!

And onto today!

Sooooo many thingees are
thingeeizing that perhaps....
a quick recap makes sense.

First, there's only 4 days left
for Tina Williams' massive 
30K firesale at pennies on the

True IM Firesale

And yes, you read it right....

There is 30K worth of value.
It's at dimesale now so you want
to get it asap!  This ends in 
4 days.

IT's a premium IM library of goodness....


Next, you can get your smart
hands on 7,000+ stock photos
that are royalty-free:

| oOo ==>  YEARLY access ONLY during this sale!
During BlackFriday, lifetime access
was offered.... and here we have
the end of the year blow out!

Perfect for ebooks, Kindle,
products, Fiverr gigs and
much much more....

| oOo ==>  12 wondrous months for only ...



Boxing Day Blitz!

This goodie is 10 products
for the price of 1... spanning
from video to social to 
Green screen (I have that
product myself, it's great!)
and more!

Price doubling soon!


First, ever wish you
could monetize your site
via Paypal donate buttons...
but didnt know how to 
make it happen?
==> Paypal Tip Jar
This is an excellent quick
goodie complete with
screenshots for how to
add Tip buttons or Donate
Now buttons.  Good stuff!
Moving along...

Lookie here!

Brief, pithy and
to the point:

Oooo ooo ooo!

IM WealthBuilders has JUST
released a superDeDuper
sale of 6 Covert goodies!

We're talking:

Covert Store Builder
Automatically create Amazon stores 

Covert Social Press
Automatically create Digg-like sites

Covert Pinpress
Automatically make a Pinpress 


| oOo ==>  Each one... $20 off!

And because this is a solo
offer, buy thru my link and
immediately receive:

My own case study in using
one of the Covert goodies...
you'll love what I share!

Sounds good?  I think so....
heck, in this case, I *know*
so.... The Covert products
are incredibly grand and
this is just a fantastic
holiday savings!

| oOo ==>  Which is your fav?
Don't forget our favs:
==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Yearly Membership!

==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)

==> Hypergrowth ListBuilding Class 

==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)

==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)

==> The LATEST Monster Biz in Box PLR (huge!)

==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial

==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder


Thank you for bring on my list - I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies...


Grow strong, 
Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable
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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet.  For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!

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