Your Sunday Morning Perkup - NEVER do what I just did (plus Fathers Day and...), the best gift you can give, more!
Published: Sun, 06/21/15
Your Benefits: Done-For-You PLR in hugely popular niche!
Today in History: 2015: I deleted 90% of my Download files
Good morning!
It's Sunday Morning and what better way to celebrate Fathers Day than to delete 90% of your download files!
Let's just say it was an error on my part... and I'm doing me best to get them restored. I deactivated all of my offers in the meanwhile.
'Course, life happens... and Im choosing to take this opportunity to revamp my 2016 download templates.
And yes, it's Father's Day! If there is a dad who is special in your life, do celebrate him today.
Yesterday was pretty interesting for me as well. Here's what I wrote - hope it speaks to you!
=-=-= One of the Best Gifts You Can Give =-=-=
is letting people who value you.... know you are proud of them.
Today, Honorable Husband and I took out not only our 4 kids but also a family with whom we've been friends for 12 years. HD1 had met their daughter back in 2nd grade.... and she and her sister have kept in touch with me all these years. Plus, their mom and I will have lunch at times as well (I'm a very shy person by nature, and there is only one other person (from highschool!) that I see more than once a year.
Anywhos! During lunch, the husband and I were able to praise all 7 kids and tell them just *why* we were so proud of them all. Each kid, our own and the other family's.... they *all* had their own particular hero's journey. Seriously! We were so proud of them. What might be trivial to you or me... it's *their* first time experiencing it.... and working their way thru it as well.
That deserves praise!
And recognition.
Which brings me to the point of this post.
*You* are a leader. And there are people in your life for whom praise from you... can mean the world. It doesn't matter if you're 5 or 50 or 500.... you touch lives in ways *nobody* else can.
Honor that! Think today on someone whose spirits would be raised simply by you telling them how much you appreciate them, or believe in them, or are proud of them.... and then *tell them*.
It can change the world!
Do you agree?
And onto today!
Looking for highquality eMail Marketing PLR?
If so:
High Quality Email Marketing PLR!
This goodie gives you:
eMail Marketing Training Guide
eMail Marketing Cheatsheet
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Professional eMail Marketing Minisite
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Professional Graphics
Thank you Page
9 eMail Marketing autoresponder messages
Whats that?
You want branding PLR too?
Well then!
Branding Authority PLR!
This gives you
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Bonuses too!
Don't forget yesterdays:
Saturday evenin' and how the heck did life treat you today? Grand I hope... here in LingLand, we had quite the lunch time.... but more on that tomorrow.
And today!
Brief, pithy and to the point!
Ever see those sites that simply
repost funny videos and monetize
it as well?
It's 100% automated!
| oOo ==> Add keyword and go!
We're talking curation AND
As the videos get posted Video Jeet
even sends notifications to
your Twitter and Facebook accounts,
letting your followers know
of the brand new content. All
this with software that barely
costs what you paid for dinner
last night!
| oOo ==> Catch that social goodness?
Free traffic and free video blogs.
(Plus extra viral traffic from
Youtube and Twitter) Yum!
Video Jeet is available for
2 weeks and then gone completely,
not to mention the introductory
price is right NOW.
Grab Video Jeet before the price goes up,
and before it goes away for good!
| oOo ==> Look at how inexpensive this is!
Brief, pithy and to the point:
The Dennis Becker Earn1KaDay recordings are out!
And get this - you will ALSO receive the book too once its compiled!
We're talking instead of spending the $100s to attend and reserve a hotel room, you can get the *insiders* goodness from the following 6-7 figure marketers! To wit:
"Leading off the first day was Wilson Mattos, half of the dynamic and hugely successful ownership of Rapid Crush, Inc., talked about “Success & Failure”.
Wilson shared with us inspirational and insightful thoughts about what he’s learned about failure, what he’s learned about success, a little about his business (which was actually started after meeting his future partner at a past Earn1KaDay conference) which has grown from 0 to 8-figures annually in less than 5 years and he shared....
Next up as Teresa Miller, who talked about “Your Freestyle Business Card Book“, which defines you, your business, and your brand in one unique book.
Teresa has been a self-publishing expert and coach since 2010, and has not only authored and published her own book, but has coached and assisted numerous others as well and she shared....
John S. Rhodes is the relatively new Chief Marketing Officer for Rapid Crush, Inc.and spoke about “The #1 Most Mind Blowing Idea for Entrepreneurs: SELL OUT!“
John had been a very successful independent marketer for several years and stunned his colleagues when he decided to transition back to full time employment with Rapid Crush, and he explained why that decision was right for him, even though he was still hugely successful as an entrepreneur and he shared....
Nest up was Chris Miyamoto, who currently is employed as the Search Engine Marketing Manager for a large company, and is responsible for driving millions of dollars worth of marketing leads to his business.
Chris has been doing search engine marketing since 2009, and includes not only basic SEO in his skill set, but he also handles a multi-million dollar pay per click budget and he shared....
Our last speaker for the first day was Brenda Trott, whose presentation was titled “How to Stay in Business (Despite Bad Luck)“.
When Brenda first pitched her idea for her talk to me, my initial reaction was that it would be something that would depress the audience, but she assured me that she was able to overcome the challenges she had been facing and she shared...
On Sunday, Kristen Joy was first up, selected to start the day and wake up the assembled crowd.
Kristen’s topic was titled “How to Dominate Your Niche on Amazon and Google“ and shared...
Connie Ragen Green was next. I’ve known Connie for about 5 years and consider her to be a great friend, and marvel at the way she’s able to build relationships and trust with her email lists and JV partners.
Connie has spoken several times at the Earn1KaDay event, in addition to running her own seminars and she shared....
We were far from done, even though the audience was starting to feel that their heads were bursting with concrete and actionable information.
Next was Adrienne Dupree, who still works a full time job in Washington, but manages to also find time to earn extra money with the Amazon FBA program. Her presentation was titled “How to Net $1000 a Month With Amazon FBA Working Part-Time“ and she shared...
Jon Griffin has been my local Las Vegas contact since I started running the seminars there in 2010, and during this past year he changed professions from being an adjunct professor at UNLV to writing for Kindle. His presentation was titled “Your Fiction Empire Awaits“.
While most Internet marketers write and publish non-fiction works, Jon no longer considers himself to be an IM’er, and has found success writing fiction and he shared...
Finishing off the seminar was an Expert’s Panel about self publishing.
On the panel were myself, Brenda Trott, Mathea Waldman Ford, Geoff Hoff, Kristen Joy, Teresa Miller, Shawn Hansen, Connie Ragen Green, and Jon Griffin. The panel discussions lasted almost 90 minutes and gave great insight into methods of creating income using Kindle self-publishing and they discussed...
Wow. Just....
Looking for a done-for-you business in box for a hugely popular niche?
In a nutshell.....
Imagine being able both learn from... and sell plus keep 100% of the profits... from:
PLR Video Course #1:
How to make money with CPA using Facebook. This is one of fastest ways to start making money online.
PLR Video Course #2:
How to hire your first Virtual Assistant. This will allow you to take your business to the next level.
PLR Video Course #3:
How to sell shirts online. Several people are earning six figures per month selling shirts online. This course will help you get started.
PLR Video Course #4:
How to use YouTube for earning affiliate income. Almost everyone watches videos online nowadays so this course was created to help you profit from the booming video industry.
PLR Video Course #5:
How To Make Money In Embarrassing Niches. People in embarrassing niches are desperate to solve their problem and most would prefer to buy products online so their family and friends don’t know about their problem.
PLR Video Course #6:
Explode Your Traffic With These 6 FREE Traffic Methods. If you can’t afford to pay for traffic yet, I highly recommend you watch this course.
PLR Video Course #7:
Instant Traffic For Pennies With Bing Ads. Most people are still not using Bing as a traffic source but I will tell you this can be a very profitable (and cheap) traffic source.
PLR Video Course #8:
Slideshare For Your Business. This video course will show you how Slideshare can be beneficial to your business and how to use it for generating traffic
PLR Video Course #9:
Build A Big List Fast With These Large Solo Ad Vendors And List Brokers. If you need to build a list fast, you can pay these big boys to send you lots of traffic fast.
PLR Video Course #10:
How To Edit Your Videos For Free Using YouTube Editor. If you do not yet want to spend money on a video editing software, you can use the free tool provided by YouTube. These 8 videos will show you cool tricks you can do on the editor.
PLR Video Course #11:
Solo Ad Secrets. One of the fastest ways to get traffic is to buy solo ads. You can get burned though if you do it wrong, so watch this course before you get started.
PLR Video Course #12:
Facebook Ad Secrets. Using Facebook Ads can be very powerful if done right. So watch this course to get some good tips.
PLR Video Course #13:
3 Hot Paid Traffic Sources. These are so hot that they are still my secrets. Sorry, I can’t give you any hints on this one.
PLR Video Course #14:
Top 6 Paid Underground Traffic Sources. These sources can get you very targeted traffic. It’s a surprise not too many people know about these sources yet.
PLR Video Course #15:
How to install WordPress. I want to show you how easy it is to set up a website using one of the best free platforms, WordPress.
PLR Video Course #16:
How to upload PLR products and start selling. PLR (Private Label Rights) can be very powerful. It is when you purchase the rights of a product from someone to rebrand their products as your own and even be able to edit the product.
PLR Video Course #17:
Amazon Affiliate Program. Not on Amazon affiliate yet? Become an affiliate so you can work towards earning passive income.
PLR Video Course #18:
Fancy Cash. This one teaches you how to utilize a new site (think of it as a cross between eBay and Pinterest) to sell your own products or promote affiliate products.
PLR Video Course #19:
Co-Registration Secrets. This one teaches you how to build a list using co-registration. Some people have built lists of tens of thousands of subscribers but so little is still known about this strategy. Watch this course to shed some light on this powerful strategy.
PLR Video Course #20:
Quick Cash. Use this little known strategy to earn some quick affiliate commissions.
PLR Video Course #21:
Yahoo Answers Cash. Learn how to use Yahoo Answers to earn affiliate commissions.
PLR Video Course #22:
Get Hundreds Of Leads Weekly From USFreeAds. This is a great way to build your list in various niches.
PLR Video Course #23:
Free Traffic From Submitting eBooks to Free eBook Sites. This is a very powerful way to get traffic for free. Watch this to learn how.
PLR Video Course #24:
Build Your List With JV Giveaway Events. This is still one of the easiest ways to build a list. Watch this video to learn more.
PLR Video Course #25:
How to get on the first page of the internet
PLR Video Course #26:
Hot new traffic source. Over potential 250 million visitors.
PLR Video Course #27:
8 ways to grow your business using the warrior forum.
PLR Video Course #28:
Instant traffic strategies for newbies
PLR Video Course #29:
How to make money with Amazon's FBA system. Many marketers are making 6 figures in passive income per month with this system.
PLR Video Course #30
How To Get FREE Instant Traffic In The Internet Marketing Niche. I'll show you how to build a list from scratch for free.
PLR Video Course #31
5 Secret Instant Traffic Sources. I've found more traffic sources that can bring 100's of millions of visitors to your sites.
PLR Video Course #32
How to make money in 5 minutes every day on the internet. These are 5 out-of-the-box ways you can't miss.
PLR Video Course #33
How I made 4 figures promoting an affiliate product to a tiny list. A couple of methods taught here don’t require you to have a list!
Sounds good? I think so - PLR makes putting up buy buttons easy.... so....yay!
Don't forget our favs:
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies...