☕ Your Thursday Morning Perkup: I'm alive!, 1936, Coloring, Shopify, Amazon, Spy, more!

Published: Thu, 01/28/16

☕ Your Thursday Morning Perkup:  I'm alive!, 1936, Coloring, Shopify, Amazon, Spy, more!
 (NOTE!  These mornin's goodies are awaiting you below but if you don't like 'em, please do unsubscribe at  - thanks!) .


Don't forget if you find these perkups grand, please feel free to share them and let your friends know they can get 'em too at http://askbling.com/btlperk - thanks!


Today in 1936:  The first inductees were announced.... to the Baseball Hall of Fame!


Good morning! It's today but first!

=== Start Ongoing Goodies! === 

Instagram Informer

 Benefits You Get: 1 page cheatsheet for Instagram!

10 Secret Shopify Niches!

Todays Zero Cost goodie:

Addicting Episode Content!
(must be in our zero cost group to see.... request if you're not!)


Good stuff!

=== End Ongoing Goodies! === 

Where was I?  Oh yes, Thursday!

For the first time in almost a week, I am feeling vaguely more like the real me.  Very weak but mind appears to be clear... yay!

Still cant really stand upright but its coming together.  Family has been grand in taking care of me.... and tomorrow is my youngest' first musical play.  Tomorrow as well, I should be getting the drains out, so hopefully I can see the performance?

How are things with you?  I'd love to hear...

And onto today!


First, be alert to an update from me this morning at 10am... It might be WP Graphics!



NOTE!  I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
.... please sign up at 

to get these in real time.  Thanks!


And let's begin!

Want you ecom?

Well then!

Coloring Book Membership goodness!

(NOTE:  Ooooo this be sweet!)

Brief, pithy and to the point:

Imagine you knew:

*  what is Trending on social media or Brainstorm Viralposts...

* the best selling items whether it’s some eCommerce items or T-Shirts or any other merchandise...

* How to save your searches as Favorites so you never to have miss a golden opportunity once you spot it....

Catch that trending?



What's that?

You prefer Fiverr?

Well then!

Coloring Book Membership goodness!

(NOTE:  Fresh insights from 3 Fiverr experts...)

Brief, pithy and to the point:

I pinged Art a few days ago to ask what the standout hook is to his latest....

And what he told me made a huge amount of sense!

Can be used on ALL Gig sites too!



What's that?

You prefer Amazon?

Well then!

12 Amazon Stores!


| oOo ==> Done For You Super Toy Store
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!


| oOo ==> Done For You Pets Store!
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!


| oOo ==> Done For You Sports Store!
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!


| oOo ==> Done For You Beauty Store!
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!


| oOo ==> Done For You Super Hardware Store!
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!

| oOo ==> Done For You Super Watch Store
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!


| oOo ==> Done For You Super Video Movie Store!
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!


| oOo ==> Software Clone Store
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!

| http://askbling.com/softwareap

| oOo ==> Music Clone Store
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!


| oOo ==> Mobile App Clone Store
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!

| oOo ==> Movie Clone Store
Use coupon barblingfriends for huge discount!


| oOo ==> Home Clone Store




What's that?

You prefer Coloring Book Art PLR?

Well then!

Coloring PLR!

Brief, pithy and to the point:

(Just in time for Valentine's Day!)

The adult niche is hot for coloring books....

... and heres' one guaranteed to fly off the shelves!

Goes beyond mere coloring books!



And finally....

List Building 2016!

Build My List

This is NOT your typical $7 product - far more is included...

....but I'll let you judge for yourself.  Think Megaphone, unlimited and more!

Would love to hear your take....



Don't forget yesterdays:

Where was I?  Oh yes, Wednesday!

Had my first post op followup.  So far, all is healing as it should be.  The doctor said I should try to stand up straight, I gently replied no.  No way.  Forget it.  Impossible.  

Hopefully that shall improve today, however.  Was able to take a shower (win!) .  And I've been living on bananas and ramen - easy to digest and for some weird reason, really satisfying too.  

How are things with you?  I'd love to hear...

And onto today!


First, be alert to an update from me this morning at 10am... It might be Fiverr!



NOTE!  I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
.... please sign up at 

to get these in real time.  Thanks!


And let's begin!

Want you coloring book PLR membership goodness?

Well then!

Coloring Book Membership goodness!

Brief, pithy and to the point:

(NOTE:  First time I've seen a MONTHLY PLR Coloring membership!)
The adult coloring niche is huge!!

And you've seen the PLR offerings....

... and the how to cash in offerings....

But now....

Coloring Book PLR membership!
Use coupon BLing16 for 20%



What's that?

You prefer 10 Secret Shopify Niches?

Well then!

10 Secret Shopify!

Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want to hit gold via Shopify?

Alessandro's latest - all the trends examined!



What's that?

You prefer traffic discounts?

Well then!

Traffic discounts!

Brief, pithy and to the point:

First, the coupon 
stsmegadiscount   reduces the $77 price to ....  less than $10!

Then... Think you 20 powerful traffic modules....

That will generate all the zero-cost traffic you can eat......

.... and allow you to siphon traffic from other sources.....

Now Think Of That at 87% Savings!
Use Coupon stsmegadiscount to save 87% 




What's that?

You prefer IFTTT?

Well then!
RSS Autotraffic!

Brief, pithy and to the point....

Did you know there is a 
resource (free!) that enables
you to double or triple your
traffic to your money pages?
| oOo ==> ITs easy to use... and this shows you!



And finally....

Healthy Heart PLR!

Brief, pithy and to the point:

(February is Healthy Heart Month... cash in with this!)

Did you know:

Over 2 MILLION searches for in 30 heart health keywords and sub-niche searches abound....

....FEBRUARY is American Heart Health Month 

....Global health and wellness sales on the way to hit a record high of US $1 trillion by 2017.

....The health and wellness market is beyond huge growing at a rate of over 7% each year.

....Keyword search trend is in steady upwards slope because of increase in demand.


Get your share here!



Don't forget our favs:


==> Dennis Becker's Earn1KaDay Special

==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Special!

==> Hypergrowth ListBuilding Class (zero cost)

==> Software that writes your copy for you!

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> 100K Funnel (Zero Cost)


==> Tiff Lambert Lifetime PLR

==> JR Lang Quality PLR!

==> Nicole Deal Easy PLR

==> Sue Fleckenstein

==> Alice Seba PLR



Thank you for bring on my list - I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies...

Grow strong, 

Barbara Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet.  For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> 

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